Sunday, December 02, 2007

Give it a rest already.

Really, Beyonce? I don't want to upgrade. And take that necklace out of your mouth before you choke on it. I understand that you want me to upgrade. But I don't think that gold jumper, paired with the awkward dance moves, is doing you any favors. And? I know you have the card. I know you are a world traveler with a busy schedule and yet you're sad that you don't get to really experience the cities on your tours. And I know your nephew asked for a Boomerang. But I don't think it counts when you order one up online - you could have done that from home. That's not a souvenir.

I don't actually mind Beyonce. But there are only so many times we can be pestered to upgrade before there's annoyance.


Heather said...

I only just saw that commercial LAST NIGHT! (Where have I been?)

Becki said...

hey are cracking me true...anyhow i wrote a really long response..then realized i did not have an im not typing it all over again...anyhow...Did NOT know you were back in town so when you see my big brother next whack him in the head for me. Lets get together... and thanks to my children I now have a myspace account...what?? Yep...get in touch...lets catch up for goodness sake!

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