You know what's so weird about that last post? I meant all of it. Even though we've been walking through some horrific things with some people we love dearly. Watching people we care for greatly have to wrestle with things that just shouldn't be. Things that are unfair and just f-ing flat out
I think that's why I remembered to add "all the time" to the end of that post (it's a truth for me, not just an Emmaus greeting.) And why I'm able to revel in the fact that God is, indeed, good all the time. It's the only way to get through it. To remember that God didn't create us for this. He created us to live in communion with Him and we're the ones who screwed it up. We live in a fallen world because humans couldn't behave. So we live like this until the day we leave this world and move on to the next.
Abandoning myself to the wild, unbridled holiness of God in the face of full-blown evil is the only way to make it through. If the stars and galaxies sing their praises to God, it's certainly good enough for me. I just hope I'm able to show enough grace to those I care about; that I'm able to remember it's not about my feelings for them or even their feelings about it all. It's about getting through this with our spirits intact and being better for it. I hate sitting and watching and feeling helpless to really
do anything more than pray and listen and talk when they need it. So I will rejoice for them when they're not able. I will pray for them even when they don't ask. I'll love them and their family as if they're my own... because they are.
And we will continue to revel in the fact that God
is good. All the time.