Tuesday, July 27, 2004


So Rusty and I were talking over dinner tonight. I think part of my problem is that to me the word "good" is often very selfish. It really means "what's GOOD for me" and not necessarily what's good overall.

I've also been doing some thinking about "fearing God". I'm not sure I really "fear" God, or I didn't. I think along the way somewhere I lost a lot of my healty respect for God. I knew He was good, and kind, and kind of like a big Santa Claus in the sky. But I forgot He is the one who sent the Israelites into battle. He's a warrior. He's not a neat little God that I can be comfortable with on Sundays in church. He's an angry God sometimes, and a just God (which is really kind of scary if you think about it). C.S. Lewis, in his chronicles of Narnia, often had his characters referring to Aslan by stating , "He is not a tame lion". That's God. He is not a tame, white bread, Americanized God. He's more powerful and mysterious than anything we can imagine. That scares me and thrills me at the same time.


Jodi said...

Santa Claus in the sky? Hummm...never thought of it that way. The whole scary idea is pretty complex. I think I fear God in simpler terms, like if I know he's nudging me in a particular direction and I am considering other choices, well I know something bad will happen if I take my own route. The fear is the unknown, will I suffer for my stupid choices right away, or suffer at a later date.....and will I know I am suffering? Ah yes, free choice, it's a crazy thing.

Stacie said...
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Heather said...

Comment from your ENglish Teacher friend... Fear originally meant to be in AWE of... Which is sounds like you are/where.

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