Friday, October 07, 2005

Hysterical laughter

Ok, so a while back Rusty and I stumbled upon a site called "The Sneeze". It's a webzine featuring a section called "Steve, don't eat it!". Steve, the author, goes to the grocery and buys one of those food items you always see but wonder if anyone actually eats them. Seriously? This could be one of the very funniest things I've ever read ever. It's gross. And the language gets bad sometimes. So be warned, it may not be for everyone.

If you read my warning and still decide to check it out? Be careful. You'll be laughing out loud, and possibly even snorting. So if you're at work or anywhere around other people while reading it? Either control yourself or tell them what the deal is so they don't think you're having some sort of spasm or something.

Click here to read "Steve, don't eat it!" . You can thank me later (or send me hate-mail. Whatever.)

In other news, my soldering skill still sucks. I actually came back to the computer to see if I could find any info on how to do this better. But amazingly enough, I didn't get any hits when I entered "solder + tips + art + sucks + burn + hate" into Google. Shocking.


Unknown said...

OK, don't send me to sites like that. I'm never going to eat again! Could he have photographed those things any more unapealing? Not that I go around buying those items. Heck I must confess that I've never even seen some of those things before. Are these kept next to Spam?

On the other hand, if my pantry was filled with these, I wouldn't be gaining weight, would I? Uhm, that is a thought...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't read it, really; I did look at the photos and skim for items of interest. I'm pleased that breast milk got such a good review (although we should keep in mind that it got a good review compared to DOG FOOD and SILKWORMS - context is everything.)

I also have an exciting end of the year planned, as you know, though I am alarmed that my husband is giving me mild push-back on my idea of OPTING OUT OF SOME THINGS. He doesn't want to miss a thing - well, okay, he's willing to miss the cooking of huge family meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and eat in a restaurant.

BUT: the part where we travel down to his parents for Thanksgiving, and the part where everyone comes to our house to open presents on Christmas day - still on the schedule.

Do I have to have this kid weeks early just to get off the holiday treadmill? Magic 8Ball seems to say "Yes"!

Incidentally, I will not be posting this particular complaint on my blog.


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