Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Carbon Leaf

::EDITED:: The video was annoying some computers so it's gone. But you can find it at Carbonleaf.com if you want to see more. Click on their Media link once you get there.

This is for Jodi, and anyone else who thought "Who the heck is Carbon Leaf?" when they read yesterday's post.

Now Barry? He's got sneak attack hotness. Like, it doesn't hit you directly. But when I watch him sing it just... does something for me. Maybe I just like guys that sing. I mean, Harry Connick Jr. was on the list. And Jason Mraz wasn't but he's cute too.

I read this little blurb from Barry (the lead singer) and liked how real he seemed about writing music that translates into something for people:

"I walked to the store today. I fell in love when I saw her at the cheese counter".

I wrote this line around the time of our 2nd album, to illustrate how I don't like to write. These days, I'm finding that there's a lot of freedom in this line, and that describing things for what they are gains you alot of freedom. I like the line now. I think it's good. I use the word 'good' intentionally, because you're always told, "never use the word 'good', there are thousands of better words to more accurately describe something..."

Don't believe it.

'Good' is one of the best words I know. It's an accurate barometer, when it's meant. "How do you really feel?" "I feel good." It's one syllable, easy to understand, mellow and confident. It is the opposite of Bad. Good is the ember. It sits there and smolders for you. It does it's job quietly. If you're, lucky, you know what Good feels like. Sometimes Good in life is rare, but when it's there, you know it, and it feels good.

"I walked to the store today. I fell in love when I saw her at the cheese counter".

I like the line now. I think it's good. But the line never really happened to me, so I didn't put it in a song. If you're going to be so plain spoken, it has to be true. When it's true, there's nothing to hide. There is a lot of merit to that kind of writing, though it's still the challenge to say something in a way that hasn't been said over and over again, the same as before and before...

Unless, of course, it's simply good and true. And, in rock and roll music, people relate to the cheese counter.

So cheese is good, but only if it's real.

I liked that line of reasoning so I bought their CD from iTunes and have been happy with pretty much all of it. So you be the judge. Of course, you're watching this video online so I'm not sure if the hotness will really come through. And? That line "So cheese is good, but only if it's real"? Words to live by, my friend. Now you can't say you didn't read anything profound today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BY THE WAY, I'm sure you've already heard but 3rd day is playing on Friday Oct 8 in DC. I guess I could 'order' you to go...

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