Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How long?

I have to be honest and say that I've debated deleting that last entry about the pendants. There's nothing wrong with it, really. It just seems so petty and needless with all that's going on right now. I remember people talking about this after 9/11 - when were you supposed to feel allowed to laugh and make jokes again without sounding irreverant? I feel like that now. When do you go back to talking about "life as usual" again if you weren't directly affected by Hurricane Katrina? The little things I do day to day, little treats like the pendants I bought, the things we're doing to renovate our house. Even my declaration on Monday that we have to finish the house because it's driving me crazy just seemed so hollow, even though it's true.

I hope you realize I'm not saying I resent the fact that I have to think about the hurricane's aftermath. I mean, it's not like you can help it, really. And I'm praying for those people, some by name specifically. But it's starting to take an emotional toll on me. I'm cranky and even crying from time to time over the last few days. I'm disappointed and scared that it took so long to get relief to so many people. So when, and how, do you seperate yourself from it and say "Life goes on" without losing your empathy and sensitivity?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good point. I guess our job is to send as much help as we can, monetarily and spiritualy, and then move on with life. We can't not live our lives because of what is going on. We can't not do our jobs. The survivors need for us to get back to normal, and keep our families, our jobs, the country going.

I totally know what you mean, though. I feel the same way.

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