This cold is kicking my butt. Sean has been up each of the last two nights for random conversation and snuggle time. I'm exhausted. My house looks like Christmas threw a wild party and then split when it heard the cops were on the way. Liam is back at school (he's not very happy about that, I might add) and our master bathroom hasn't been cleaned in at least two weeks. So what can I write that will make it
seem like I'm making an effort, yet will require
as little effort as possible? I'll do what the great recording legends do... a Greatest Hits collection!
Brilliant!I figure this is probably a decent idea as I've had this blog for over two years now, our family has gone through a lot of changes in that time and what better way to bring any newcomers up to speed than to post links to some of posts that kind of explain who I am and who we are and why we seem to be in a state of semi-chaos a good deal of the time (or I could just give you the short answer to that last one: we have two little boys. Any other questions?)
I wasn't sure how to go about dividing these "Greatest Hits" (oh yes... "dividing"... indicating this will take up more than one post.)
I would say the posts in this blog come under one of a number of headings: Our family in general, the boys specifically, Liam's issues, home renovations, my issues with church and "Christianity" and trying to work through that, and general stupidity. A few of those topics are kind of heavy. So let's start with general stupidity and the boys as they are the most fun, easiest to read, and won't drive you away wondering how you'll ever recover those lost minutes of your life spent reading my stressed out rambling.
So without further ado?
The Art Chick Blog Greatest Hits, Vol. I: Nonsense - The Boys' and Just in General (arranged from oldest to most recent)
Chapter One: Fun with ParentingWhy I Don't Have DogsFunny BoyBecause Things Aren't Fun Enough Around HereAnother DayMug ShotSummerConversations with Sean - Age 3Quote of the WeekTwinsiesChapter Two: Basically Kind of SillyThis House Hates UsDictionary TimeMy Musical TastesSorry Excuse for a PostShame - It Can Be A Good Thing**The "Shame" posts needs to be noted that I am
not dogging on the 80's. I'm totally dogging on watching
Red Dawn (for the first time, as an adult, out of context chronologically and politically.)