Friday, June 24, 2005

Conversations with Sean (Age 3)

Scene: Sean wanders into the computer room, pants-free.

Me: "Uh, Sean... where are your pants?"

Semi-naked Sean: "Someone took them off"

Me: "Sean, there is no one else here beside you and me"

Semi-naked and proud of it Sean: "Maybe Daddy took them off"

Me: "Sean, Daddy is at work"

Semi-naked and very good at pretending to be shocked Sean: "Well, someone took them off!" [goes along his merry way]

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG, that is Jett. Except that the conversation would have been:

Me: Why aren't wearing any pants?

Jett: I didn't feel like it.

Me: Oh?

Jett runs off. Pantless.

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