Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Kitchen - Before

Kitchen - Before
Originally uploaded by art chick.

I've been so intent on the renovation process that I didn't realize that most of you hadn't seen the kitchen we tore down. This wasn't original to the house. It was remodeled in the late 80's or early 90's.

If you look closely you'll notice the lovely pink countertops, the small fridge which was originally on the opposite side of the room, and the wall oven. Oh, yeah, and the floor.

*You can click that photo and it will take you to a few more close ups of the kitchen before we started*

This whole overhaul came about because we were going to have to replace the countertops (darn... and it was such a lovely shade of pink). The counters weren't installed right so at each seam there was either a gap or a ridge. You couldn't sit things over the seams or they'd slant or tumble over. And food crumbs fell into the gaps. Yum.

We liked the wall oven, but replacing it and a cooktop was too expensive for us. One of the burners on the old cooktop had stopped working sometime last winter so we added that to the list of things we had to replace. You'd think that half a range would cheaper than a regular range, right? Oh, nooooooo. Cooktops start at around $250 and the wall ovens are even more! So we're happy with our flat top range. Yay, cheaper range!

The whole cabinet thing was decided because the fridge was falling apart. How does that impact cabinets? Well, Rusty's mom lived by herself for over 15 years. She had purchased the very smallest fridge on the market. The size they make very few of any more (at our Lowe's they had none on the floor). We just figured we'd buy a bigger fridge, especially since we have a family of four. Including two boys that would be eating more and more as they get bigger. But wait! The guy who installed the last cabinets? Built them around the small fridge. No other size fridge would fit that space.

This whole renovation has really been a result of a series of discoveries as we went along with the original plan of just fixing the cosmetics. We're thrilled that it's finally coming together but man! Between doing assembly and layout of the cabinets and floor pretty much ourselves and the upheaval in our lives with the boys? I'm really hoping we never have to do something like this again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel like I need to post a photo of my orange countertop just to get you to be thankful that yours were pink... LOL!

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