Sunday, June 05, 2005

Kit-Kat commercial?

Oh. My. Goodness. Has anyone see this Kit-Kat commercial that's on lately? It's not new, but I'd seen it once then it disappeared for awhile and it's been on again recently.

So, this guy is sitting on his couch watching TV and eating a Kit-Kat. His wife/girlfriend comes in and says "Baby, do these make my butt look big?" (ha, she said 'butt'). Then this woman proceeds to turn around and has the biggest butt I've seriously ever seen. It has to be incredible camera work because no one, and I mean NO one, people, could function with a butt that big. Anyway, the guy takes one look at her and crams the rest of the Kit-Kat in his mouth then mumbles something you can't make out but with a very sincere look on his face. She gives him a big kiss and thanks him and leaves the room. This? Makes me laugh like I'm smoking the crack rock.

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