Thursday, May 26, 2005

Mug shot

Sean in black and white
Originally uploaded by art chick.
So, Sean? Totally lied to us the other day. He'd done something, we caught him, he lied about it when we confronted him. But here are the exceptionally stupid parts, keeping in mind that Sean is three. And extremely cute.

Stupid thing #1: We caught Sean by actually witnessing him doing the deed. And he saw us watching him. And he did not stop doing said deed.

Stupid thing #2: When confronted and asked "who did it"? (for the sole purpose of giving him a chance to apologize) The child looked right at us and said, "Mommy did it."

This? This, people, is punishment. For you see, when my mother used to say "I hope you have children just like you some day"? I replied, "So do I".

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