Friday, May 20, 2005

Two thumbs up

(I love when they say "way up", like Ebert is waving his hand above his head)

So the movie was really good. Without giving anything away? Best parts included Wookies, Yoda and hottie Ewan McGregor. Even with a beard he's got it goin' on with a light saber. The coolest thing was watching all the loose ends tied up and seeing where the original Star Wars movie picked up from the end of this story. Oh! And Queen whats-her-face's hair? Total old-school Princess Leia side-of-the-head-buns going on. I coveted the mega-buns when I was little so it was a joy to see them brought back to life on the big screen.

Two out of two Sappers give the new Star Wars movie thumbs way up (except for the guy who plays Anikan. Because? He is totally made out of cardboard).

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