Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Mail Art

Mail art - Ashley
Originally uploaded by art chick.
So, today? I joined an online art class. It's a mail art class. You may be wondering "what the crap is 'mail art'"? Well, it's art. That goes through the mail. Decorated envelopes are a starting point, but it can range from small postcards to 3D objects used as mailers. The picture to the right is an envelope I made last summer for a friend's card (you can see a larger photo if you click on it). Want to see some more examples?

Look here: The Mailbox is the Museum

With all that's been going on around here for the past few months, making art is one thing that calms me down and at the same time, revs me up. "Art helps me breath" totally applies to me. So I'm really excited about this online class.

And thank you, Jodi, for giving me the heads up on it!


Jodi said...

It'll be great to do some snail mail for a change!

Anonymous said...

have you seen www.postsecret.com?


Stacie said...

Betsy, that site is addictive (and also makes me feel slightly naughty for now knowing all of those secrets)

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